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Paul: The Last Apostle

By purchasing the pilot episodes, you are supporting our TV series and helping us to start filming this fall.

Explore the Inspiring Life of Paul

Follow the remarkable journey of the Apostle Paul as he becomes a chosen vessel for spreading God’s message to diverse audiences. Add your email and stay up-to-date on all things about Paul.

Follow the Inspiring Life of Paul

Follow the remarkable journey of the Apostle Paul as he becomes a chosen vessel for spreading God’s message to diverse audiences.

Witness biblical characters depicted as relatable individuals, highlighting Paul’s trials and sacrifices for his faith.

Experience the profound transformation of Paul’s life, conveying the universal message that anyone can fully surrender to God’s will.

Upholding the bible as the ultimate source for Paul’s life, this series focuses on illuminating God’s Word to inspire others to not only be transformed themselves, but to become people who want to find out more about scripture.

Help Us Make it Happen

Our desire is to bring the untold story of Paul to the screen. Through this crowdfunded TV series, we aim to unveil the extraordinary journey of faith, redemption, and transformation that shaped one of Christianity’s most influential figures as well as continue to discover many of lessons that that Paul teaches us through the Bible.

If you would like to be part of this project, you can participate through donation. We are currently looking for not only one time gifts, but partners who are willing and ready to meet with our team. If you are interested in meeting with our Executive Producer and Director, please email us at [email protected].

Our team is diligently working to carry out this project with excellence. By giving today, you are taking the Word of God and making it come alive for young and old alike. Help us make the Apostle Paul and his journey become tangible today!

What People are Saying

"I love how the film was just beautifully made and how it stayed so true to the bible."
- Susan, Memphis, TN

"I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it. It’s the best thing I’ve seen in a good while."
- Matthew, Memphis,TN

"I really enjoyed it. Honestly, there's so much you can take away from it."
- Zerio Zapata, Dallas, TX

Support the Show

By purchasing Paul: The Last Apostle merchandise, you are supporting the production of this crowd-funded TV series. From travel mugs to t-shirts, you will find something that you will love!

Follow Us on Social Media

You can follow along on our filming journey on Facebook, Instagram, X and YouTube!

Buy from Paul: The Last Apostle

  • Paul: The Last Apostle - Pilot

    1 video

    Take a journey with us on the life of Paul, one of the last apostles. Paul's story is relatable and reminds us that there's nothing too great or too much for God to take our lives and use them for His purpose.

  • Paul: The Last Apostle - Pilot in Espanol

    1 video

    Haz un viaje con nosotros sobre la vida de Pablo, uno de los últimos apóstoles. Es identificable la historia de Pablo y nos recuerda que no hay nada demasiado grande o demasiado para que Dios tome nuestras vidas y las use para Su propósito.

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